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Stimwave Technologies for Chronic Pain Relief

Posted on March 15, 2023 | Tagged:

If you have chronic pain, Stimwave Technologies’ Freedom Systems, the PNS (Peripheral Nerve Stimulation) and SCS (Spinal Cord Stimulator) products, may help to provide long-lasting pain relief. This treatment option involves implanting a device that sends electrical stimulation to block pain signals at the pain source.  Stimwave is powered wirelessly through HF-EMC technology–without an implanted battery.

How it works?
The Stimwave Technologies’ Freedom Systems uses micro technology, which makes it the smallest pain relief implant in the world. A tiny electrode array and receiver are implanted near a peripheral nerve in your body.  The electrode array and receiver fits through a needle sized incision and is performed as a minimally-invasive, outpatient procedure.

What does the StimWave system offer?

Stimwave Technologies is an FDA approved system for management of chronic intractable pain. It offers:

  • Targeted pain relief below the head (including knee pain, shoulder pain, arm & wrist pain or foot & ankle pain)
  • Minimally-invasive technique
  • No battery implanted inside of your body
  • External power transmitter that eliminates a requirement for sitting while charging
  • Outpatient procedure
  • A non-drug therapy option

If you’re interested in exploring Stimwave PNS and other non-operative methods, request an appointment with our Interventional Pain Solutions team.

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