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Soccer ball

Time Out For An Ankle Sprain

Posted on July 13, 2015 | Tagged: , ,

Rory McIlroy, professional golfer with the PGA, recently sustained an injury to his ankle while playing soccer during his time off. With his injury it is now believed he may be unable to defend his title as the British Open Champion on July 16, 2015 because of the time necessary to recover. His injury to the anterior talo-fibular ligament (ATFL), the main stabilizing ligament on the outer portion of the ankle, commonly occurs with ankle sprains as the momentum of the body and lower leg is carried over the foot when it is planted and stationary on the ground. In severe sprains the ligament can stretch, causing the joint to become loose. With the forces generated in a golf swing, McIlroy’s medical team will need to ensure that he has the adequate rest, rehabilitation and strengthening necessary to avoid long-term issues with the stability of the ankle. These injuries can commonly take 4-6 weeks to improve to the point where the ankle can sustain longer periods of activity.